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Ünal’s work will examine the Turkish tales three foreign travelers heard at the coffee-houses in Istanbul from a western perspective, while reviews also the personal stories of these travelers. Their lives intersected in Istanbul, at the end of the 19th century, and this unusual meeting united their names on the same pages of two books, published in two continents. They appreciated Turkish humor so much that they decided to publish Turkish tales told in the coffee-houses in English. This is the story of American Cyrus Adler, Scottish Allan Ramsay, and Irish Francis McCullough, meeting at the coffee-houses of the Ottoman Empire.

We look forward to seeing you on October 18, at 12.00.

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From 13th to 16th April, 2022, Assist. Prof. Defne Ersin Tutan will be attending the National Conference of the Popular Culture Association, of which she has been a member for several years. Included in the session on ‘Cultural Adaptations,’ Dr. Ersin Tutan’s paper entitled “Defining the Public through the Private and the Past through the Popular: Biopics as Adaptations of History” will address the set of intertwined relationships among biopics, history, and adaptation – a subject area she has been focusing on.

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